(2017)渝0118民初9319号 LEE WAI MENG:本院受理原告吴修珍诉你离婚纠纷一案,因采用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定的其他方式无法向你送达相关法律文书,现根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第九十二条的规定,向你公告送达起诉状副本及开庭传票。原告的诉讼请求:1.要求判决与被告离婚。2.判决双方子女随女方一起生活。自公告之日起,经过6个月即视为送达。提出答辩状的期限为公告期满后的15日内,举证期限为答辩期满后30日,并定于2019年10月30日9时30分在永川区法院第三审判庭开庭审理,逾期将依法缺席审理。
The People’s Court of Yongchuan District, Chongqing City Announcement
(2017) Y 0118 civil case, first trial, No. 9319
This court has handled the case in which Xiuzhen Wu sued against you for
divorce from you, because the relevant legal documents cannot be delivered
to, served on you by adopting any other means as stipulated by the Civil
Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, this court hereby serves
the Copy of the Bill of Complaint and Court Summons on you in accordance
with Article 92 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China。
Plaintiff’s claims: 1. Request the court to sentence divorce from the
defendant. 2. Sentence that the child (children) of the plaintiff and the
defendant shall live together with the woman。
The aforesaid legal documents shall be deemed to have been served on
you after six months from the day of announcement. The period for giving
an answer to the bill of complaint shall be within 15 days upon expiration
of the announcement period. The period for producing evidence shall be
30 days upon expiration of the period for giving an answer to the bill of
complaint. It is determined that the case shall come on for trial in the
3rd Court of the People’s Court of Yongchuan District, from 9:30 am,
October 30, 2019, and the case shall be heard by default according
to law if you are late for the trial。
February 1, 2019