
人民日报海外版 2024年05月08日 星期三

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Dalian Maritime Court of the People's Republic of China Announcement

(2023) Liao 72 Civil Court of First Instance No. 791

《 人民日报海外版 》( 2024年05月08日   第 11 版)

Fleetscape AMP1, LLC:
    This court accepted the case of a maritime cargo transportation
contract dispute between the plaintiff of Dalian Shilong Chemical Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shilong Company) and the defendant of
Fleetscape AMP1, LLC and the defendant of The West of England Ship
Owner Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg). We hereby announce
and serve you with a copy of the complaint, a notice of response, a
notice of proof, a notice of the members of the collegial panel, and
a summons for the hearing in accordance with the law. From the date of
announcement, it shall be deemed delivered after 60 days. The deadline
for submitting a defense and providing evidence is within 30 days after
the expiration of the notice service period, and the case will be
publicly heard in the Bayuquan Forum of this court at 9:00 am on August
30, 2024. Delay will result in default hearing.
    Hereby announced.
    April 16, 2024